Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 1 — Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Indian Ocean Suite


Forerunner surge on Australian north west shelf (#1001)

3:00 PM
Toan Bui

The increasing resolution and accuracy of Ocean Topography. (#1002)

3:00 PM
benoit legresy

**Distinct patterns of sea surface temperature anomaly in the South Indian Ocean during austral autumn (#1003)

3:00 PM
Ruijie Zhang

**A Particle Swarm Optimization-Neural Network model based on Manifold Learning for Rainstorm Prediction (#1004)

3:00 PM
Ying Huang

A Nonlinear Intelligent Calculation Method for Short-term Heavy Rainfall Interpretation Prediction (#1005)

3:00 PM
Xiao Yan Huang

Retrieval of cloud liquid water using microwave signals from LEO satellites: a feasibility study (#1006)

3:00 PM
Xi Shen

Identification and evaluation of causal networks among teleconnections in CMIP5 models (#1007)

3:00 PM
Dylan Harries

Reduced-rank models for nonlinear forecasting (#1008)

3:00 PM
Matt Fischer

**Connection between North Pacific winter cyclones and the previous autumn Arctic sea ice coverage (#1009)

3:00 PM
Yina Diao


3:00 PM
Ivan Kennedy

Effects of internal variability on skill verification of seasonal precipitation outlooks (#1011)

3:00 PM
Andrew D King

Using ACCESS-S for event attribution – methods and evaluation (#1012)

3:00 PM
S Abhik

**Characteristics of thermal and momentum transport during the lifetime of Ural blocking highs (#1013)

3:00 PM
Yan Li

**Low-frequency features during the two typical extreme cold events in China (#1014)

3:00 PM
Xu Li

**Effect of El Niño on the response ratio of Hadley circulation to different SST meridional structures (#1015)

3:00 PM
Juan Feng

Variation in the ACCESS-S1 seasonal ensemble forecasting system in simulating temperature and precipitation indices relevant to agriculture in southwest Western Australia.  (#1016)

3:00 PM
Rebecca Firth

Impact of zonal and meridional atmospheric flow on climate extremes in the Southern Hemisphere (#1017)

3:00 PM
Ghyslaine Boschat

On the causes of the mid-Pliocene ITCZ shifts (#1018)

3:00 PM
Gabriel Pontes

CMIP6: Any improvement to long-standing climate biases? (#1019)

3:00 PM
Paul J Durack

A first look at CMIP6 projections for Australia (#1020)

3:00 PM
Sugata Narsey

Analysis of dynamic sea level projections and uncertainties in CMIP6 models (#1021)

3:00 PM
Kewei Lyu

Evaluation of NIMS/KMA ESMs based historical and future climate scenarios for CMIP6 (#1022)

3:00 PM
Yoon-Jin Lim

Projected changes in rainfall droughts over Australia in CMIP6 simulations (#1023)

3:00 PM
Anna M Ukkola

Recent hemispheric asymmetry in global ocean warming induced by climate change and internal variability (#1024)

3:00 PM
Ming Feng

Linkage between Indian Ocean Dipole Asymmetry and Southeastern Indian Ocean Upwelling (#1025)

3:02 PM
Agus Santoso

Intermodel relationships between Southern Ocean surface temperature and global climate (#1026)

3:04 PM
Agus Santoso

The Pacific Decadal Oscillation less predictable under greenhouse warming (#1027)

3:06 PM
Shujun LI

Separating roles of momentum, heat, and freshwater fluxes in the Southern Ocean warming and water mass changes (#1028)

3:06 PM
Kewei Lyu

Assessing Indo-Pacific climate variability and impact of model bias in CMIP5 models (#1029)

3:08 PM
Sebastian McKenna

Internal climate variability and impacts of greenhouse warming on the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (#1030)

3:10 PM
Benjamin Ng

Increased variability of Eastern Pacific El Niño under greenhouse warming (#1031)

3:12 PM
Guojian Wang

Improving sea level fingerprints associated with future land ice melting (#1032)

3:14 PM
Shujing Zhang

Piloting the development of new alpine hydroclimate records from southeastern Australia using wood properties (#1033)

3:16 PM
Benjamin J Henley

**Influence of land–air temperature difference on spring rainfall anomalies over North China and its feedback mechanism (#1034)

3:16 PM
Lian-Tong Zhou

**Understanding the inter-decadal variability of autumn precipitation over North Central China using model simulations (#1035)

3:16 PM
Minhua Qin

How to capture new record breaking temperature in an analogue based statistical downscaling model (#1036)

3:16 PM
Surendra P Rauniyar

A new high resolution spatial climate analysis for Australia (#1037)

3:16 PM
Blair Trewin

Repeating TC Alby – impacts of an extratropical transitioning cyclone on SW WA (#1038)

3:16 PM
Craig Arthur

Sub-seasonal prediction of cyclone formation in the Southern Hemisphere (#1039)

3:16 PM
Paul A Gregory

**Inner-core lightning outbreaks  in Super Typhoon Haiyan (2013) (#1040)

3:16 PM
Yijun Zhang

The changing nature of fire weather in eastern Australia (#1041)

3:16 PM
David J Martin

The BARRA reanalysis: a powerful resource for electricity systems research (#1043)

3:16 PM
Mitchell Black

Least-cost power system abatement considering climate-driven reduction in inflows to hydropower reservoirs (#1044)

3:16 PM
Changlong Wang

Eight centuries of hydroclimatic variability recorded in a southwest Australian speleothem with an annually resolved chronology (#1045)

3:16 PM
Nerilie Abram