session - WORKSHOP: Software Carpentry
session - WORKSHOP: Accessing and using IMOS data for your research
session - WORKSHOP: How to use weather radar for climate science
session - WORKSHOP: Observational Approaches to Ocean Optics
session - Welcoming Ceremony
session - RH CLARKE LECTURE: Caroline Ummenhofer
session - PLENARY: Toshio Yamagata
session - Morning Tea
session - 24(i). Southern Hemisphere oceans variability and change
session - 01. Impact of wind driven sea and swell waves
session - 37(i). Tropical cyclones
session - 18. CMIP the 6th generation: new simulations and new insights? - Dedicated to Penny Whetton
session - Lunch and AMOS AGM
session - 24(ii) Southern Hemisphere oceans variability and change
session - 02(i). New insights into Indian Ocean dynamics, variability, and change
session - 37(ii). Tropical cyclones
session - 14. Stratospheric composition and dynamics
session - Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 1
session - PLENARY: Blair Trewin
session - Uwe Radok Award: Ariaan Purich
session - 29. Decadal to Multidecadal Variability: mechanisms and opportunities for prediction
session - 02(ii). New insights into Indian Ocean dynamics, variability, and change
session - 32. Extreme weather events affecting coastal Western Australia
session - 36. The influence of a changing climate on high-impact severe weather in Australia
session - 04. Marine remote sensing advances