Role of Southern Ocean SST in ACCESS1.0 Pacemaker-like experiments (#2001)
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Antarctic Sea Ice Reconstructions in the Southern Indian Ocean (#2002)
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High resolution regional atmospheric modeling for air quality applications for prioritised airsheds in Western Australia (#2003)
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Model-Observation comparison of Southern Ocean aerosols in ACCESS-CM2 (#2004)
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2100+ Flux Measurements Across the Globe: Sitting on a Golden Egg? (#2005)
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Soil carbon response to climate variability in Eastern Australia over the past 100 years (#2006)
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Koala Habitat Manager’s Toolkit - Satellite Imaged Climate Varied Vegetation Health Proxies. (#2007)
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Controls on the intensity of thunderstorms over land. (#2008)
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**Impact of soil moisture initializations on simulated high-temperature weather: the case of Southwest China (#2009)
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Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Tomographic Reconstruction of Rainfall using Microwave Signals from LEO satellites (#2010)
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An 11-year Climatology of Cloud Properties over the Great Barrier Reef as Observed by A-Train Satellites (#2011)
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40 years of clouds observed from space- ESA Climate change Initiative (#2012)
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Tropical dry season climatic patterns, teleconnections and implications for agricultural risk and productivity. (#2013)
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Using instrumental and proxy observations to understand long-term high-resolution hydroclimate variability across subtropical Southeast Queensland, Australia (#2014)
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Role of continuation of the tropical Pacific Ocean temperature trend in extreme El Nino and its linkage with Southern Annular Mode (#2016)
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Tropical climate variability in ACCESS-CM2 coupled climate model (#2017)
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Future changes of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent: a Lagrangian investigation (#2018)
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Introduction of the NIMS/KMA K-ACE model and its climate sensitivity (#2019)
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Effects of model resolution, physics, and coupling on Southern Hemisphere storm tracks in CESM1.3 (#2020)
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Impacts of including an ocean component in a dynamically downscaled climate model over south-eastern Australia (#2021)
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Refining projections of future temperature change in West Africa (#2022)
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**Interdecadal Change in the Principal Mode of Winter-Spring Precipitation Anomaly over Tropical Pacific around the Late 1990s (#2023)
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Southwest Sumatra squall lines: Satellite observation and high-resolution simulations (#2024)
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Interbasin influences on the Pacific Ocean: Mean state and Variability. (#2025)
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**Detecting Primary Precursors of January Surface Air Temperature Anomalies in China (#2026)
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Examining the sensitivity of the global carbon cycle to expressions of the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (#2027)
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How much has Australia warmed since pre-industrial times? (#2028)
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The relative contributions of anthropogenic forcing and natural processes to the ongoing rainfall decline over south-west Australia (#2029)
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**An Externally Forced Decadal Rainfall Seesaw Pattern Over the Sahel and Southeast Amazon (#2030)
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Can extreme events contrary to the direction of the trend be attributed to anthropogenic climate change? (#2031)
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Heatwaves and bushfires: Determining the relationship between excess heatwave factor and fuel moisture in Canberra, Australia (#2032)
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The Australian Northwest Cloudband impacts: Heavy Rainfall in the West while it’s Hot and Dry in the East (#2033)
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Case study of a series of thunderstorms on December 14, 2009, over Canterbury, New Zealand. (#2034)
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The effects of soil moisture on European hot extremes modulated by Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (#2035)
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Recent advances in volcanic ash forecasting at the Bureau of Meteorology (#2036)
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**Spatiotemporal variation of extreme precipitation frequency in summer over South China in 1961-2008 (#2037)
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Inequalities in the distribution temperature extreme impacts across Sydney (#2038)
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Intersection of the financial and climate systems: mechanisms governing the flow of climate risk through the economy (#2040)
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Seasonality in the daily timing of low water levels on Australian coral reefs (#2041)
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The history and future of coastal inundation in Sydney, NSW. (#2042)
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Marine heatwave impacts on ocean biogeochemistry (#2043)
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2013/14 South Atlantic marine heatwave and South American drought triggered by common driver (#2044)
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Using targeted definitions of heatwaves to better meet the needs of diverse end users (#2045)
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Climdex: explore, download and analyse indices of observed climate extremes (#2046)
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What can the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes offer government? (#2047)
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Communicating data to school students: The Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) data portal (#2048)
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Art as a vector for communicating climate science to younger people (#2049)
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