Communicating data to school students: The Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) data portal — Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Communicating data to school students: The Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) data portal (#2048)

Melissa Hart 1 , Angela Maharaj 1 2 , Giovanni Di Virgilio 2
  1. ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, UNSW Sydney, NSW, Australia
  2. Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Sydney’s population is predicted to grow by 30% within twenty years, most of which is slated for the semi-rural fringes. The resulting urbanisation will adversely impact temperature and air quality in these areas of rapid population growth. Both temperature and air quality can vary greatly within cities themselves due to spatial variability in land-use, surface characteristics, pollutant emissions, transport infrastructure and the geography of the city. Therefore it is imperative to have high density meteorological and air quality observations across a city. This poster will discuss the development of a citizen science project that has placed meteorology and air quality sensors in 20 schools across Sydney. Data collected is displayed in real-time via a data portal developed using human centred design principles with input from high school students. Students will collect and analyse research quality data in science and geography curriculum-aligned classroom activities.  
