Impacts of Strong Surface Winds over the Ross Sea Polynya — Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Impacts of Strong Surface Winds over the Ross Sea Polynya (#158)

Adrian McDonald 1
  1. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, CANTERBURY, New Zealand

This study investigates the impacts of strong wind events on the sea ice concentration within the Ross Sea Polynya (RSP). In particular, this work quantifies the sensitivity of sea ice concentrations to surface winds and whether there are threshold wind speeds required for regions of the RSP to open up with subsequent impacts on heat fluxes. To analyse these processes, we examine the Bootstrap sea ice concentration (SIC) satellite data set derived from SSM/I brightness temperatures and how they are connected to the surface winds from the ERA5 reanalysis over the period 1979 to 2018. We also examine how strong wind events which impact SIC in the RSP are linked to Ross Ice Shelf Air Stream events. The hypothesis that the increase in Ross Ice Shelf Air Stream events, associated with a strengthening of the Amundsen Sea Low, has contributed to trends in sea ice production is then tested.
