ACCESS-CM2 CMIP6 simulations and their performance (#22)
CSIRO has prepared a new generation of coupled climate model ACCESS-CM2 and used it to run a set of simulations for CMIP6 submission. ACCESS-CM2 uses the UM 10.6/GA7.1 as the atmospheric component, CABLE2.5 as the land surface component, MOM5 for the ocean component, and CICE5.1.2 as the sea ice component. The data from these CMIP6 simulations are now being published to the ESGF at NCI. These simulations include the CMIP6 DECK experiments (AMIP, preindustrial control, abrupt 4xCO2, 1%/year CO2 increase), the historical simulation, and the four tier 1 SSP projections, with forcing applied according to the CMIP6 guidelines. We have found our ACCESS-CM2 to show an equilibrium climate sensitivity of 4.8K, and it performs well compared to CMIP6 multi-model means (using models results that have been available on the ESGF), with an acceptably minor drift of surface temperatures and TOA radiation imbalance in the preindustrial control run, significant responses to volcanic activity and an early 21st century warming hiatus in the historical simulation.