Importance of accurately forecasting the onset of the northern wet season for beef producers in northern Australia — Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Importance of accurately forecasting the onset of the northern wet season for beef producers in northern Australia (#185)

Anne Marie Huey 1 , Chelsea Jarvis 1 , David Cobon 1
  1. University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QUEENSLAND, Australia

Higher cow reproductive rates, lower calf mortality rates and increased beef sale weights are the three key characteristics of a profitable, sustainable beef business in northern Australia.  Each of these can be improved by successfully matching the time of calving to the onset of the northern wet season.

Scientific studies have been conducted in northern Australia with the aim of improving profitability and herd efficiency. One key finding showed that cow body condition score at time of calving is one of the most critical factors influencing a cow’s ability to successfully raise a calf and re-conceive in time to produce a calf each year. Climatic conditions, such as high temperatures and delayed northern rainfall onset, can have detrimental impacts on cow condition and calf mortality.

Improving producer understanding of climate and forecasts, particularly the northern rainfall onset, can allow the producer to make management changes that maximise body condition at time of calving and optimise reproductive performance, with calving ideally occurring at the onset of the northern wet season. Communicating producer needs to climate scientists, especially the information producers need regarding the start of the wet season, can aid in the development of a meaningful northern rainfall onset product.

Accurate prediction of the onset of the northern wet season and the associated ability to identify prime calving windows has a major impact on a beef business’ profitability and long-term sustainability.  In addition, animal welfare outcomes will be significantly enhanced as pastoralists will be able to confidently implement targeted management strategies to improve economic, environmental and biological outcomes.
