Meridional Oceanic Heat Transport Influences Marine Heatwaves in the Tasman Sea on Interannual to Decadal Timescales (#101)
4:30 PM
Drivers and depth structure of Ningaloo Niño/Niña using an Ocean General Circulation Model (#102)
4:45 PM
Effect of the extreme 2011 Western Australian marine heatwave on invertebrate fisheries in Western Australia. (#103)
5:00 PM
Can the 2015-16 El Niño be blamed for mangrove dieback along the Gulf of Carpentaria's coastline? (#104)
5:15 PM
Subsurface Thermal Variability in the Central Great Barrier Reef during Two Coral Bleaching Events (2015/16, 2016/17) (#105)
5:30 PM
Session 41 Lightning Lectures (#106)
5:45 PM