Variability in accumulation, ion chemistry and visible crusts between Law Dome and Mount Brown South, Antarctica   — Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Variability in accumulation, ion chemistry and visible crusts between Law Dome and Mount Brown South, Antarctica   (#89)

Camilla K Crockart 1 , Tessa R Vance 1 , Alex D Fraser 1 , Nerilie J Abram 2 , Alison Criscitiello 3 , Mark A J Curran 1 4 , Vincent Favier 5 , Andrew Klekociuk 1 4 , Andrew D Moy 1 4 , Christopher T Plummer 1 , Jason L Roberts 1 4 , Tas D van Ommen 1 4 , Jonathan Willie 5
  1. University of Tasmania, Battery Point, TAS, Australia
  2. Australian National Univerisity , Canberra, ACT, Australia
  3. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  4. Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, TAS, Australia
  5. Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France

The mid-latitudes of the Southern Ocean are among the stormiest on Earth, yet the longer-term variability in atmospheric circulation in this region is poorly understood. This is particularly true for the southern sector of the Indian Ocean, where reliable observations are primarily limited to the satellite era (1979 - present) due to sparse observational station data. Model studies and paleoclimate records (ice cores and corals) suggest decadal variability in atmospheric circulation exists in this region, however, long annually resolved ice core records are needed to further investigate these processes. Until recently, the Law Dome Summit South (DSS, 66.769°S, 112.806°E, 1370m elevation) ice core remained one of few multi-century annually resolved ice core records in East Antarctica. A new ice core drilled at Mount Brown South (MBS, 69.131°S, 85.999°E, 2078m elevation) approximately 1000km west of DSS provides an additional high resolution record at millennial timescale. The DSS and MBS ice cores have high altitudes meaning they have minimal summer melt, but are relatively close to the ocean meaning they preserve maritime signals. DSS and MBS are complementary records, however, MBS preserves a different signal for variability in atmospheric circulation. We present a comparison between annual snowfall accumulation and ion chemistry (sea salt concentrations) for DSS and MBS in the most recent century. New analyses of visible crusts and physical stratigraphy of the ice cores using a line-scanner are also compared between the two sites. Variability in these parameters between DSS and MBS are linked to anomalies in wind and atmospheric pressure, and coherence with known modes of climate variability (Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation, El Niño Southern Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode).
